SDG Dialogue Series #1
Please register on the GIIA's website.
As the first event of the SDG Dialogue Series, Geneva Impact Investing Association - the Graduate Institute's first student initiative focusing on impact investing, sustainable finance, and ESG - in collaboration with the Centre for Finance and Development, is pleased to invite you to a panel discussion about the role of Private Equity in delivering UN SDGs.
While some firms have been focusing on ESG and impact investing for more than a decade, there is a growing number of mainstream financial institutions starting to create impact investment vehicles.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) issued SDG Impact Standards for Private Equity Funds on 9 October 2020. This new set of voluntary standards outlines a common language and best-practice guidance for private equity, debt and venture capital fund managers to integrate impact management into business, investment practices and decision-making.
Panelists will discuss the current approaches, specific challenges and opportunities for Private Equity funds to deliver important outcomes across SDG themes.
Prof. Nathan Sussman, Director of the Centre for Finance and Development (Opening Remarks)
Ms. Sebnem Sener, Senior SDG Finance Specialist at UNDP SDG-Impact,
Mr. Thibaud Ponchon, Investment Director - Private Equity (Asia) at BlueOrchard
Dr. Marc Moser, Head of Impact at Lightrock
Ms. Jacquie Hui, Founder and President at Geneva Impact Investing Association (Moderator)
Please register on the GIIA's website.