Geneva International Sanctions Network Talk Series
GGC GISN 28 March

Sanctions in an era of trans-Atlantic geopolitical divergence

Chloé Cina, Director of Global Sanctions & Embargoes Team, Deutsche Bank, and Claire Colbert, Vice President of Anti-Financial Crime, Crown Agents Bank
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Room 847 - Petal 1, Maison de la paix

What will the impact of Brexit and the differences between the EU and the US’ Foreign Policy aims have on the future of sanctions?

The United States and Europe are facing increasing challenges in coordinating sanctions policy, with sharply divided perspectives on the substance and strategy of these measures. The fissures are particularly acute with regard to Iran, Russia and Venezuela sanctions, which create business risk for multinational firms and international non-governmental organisations that must comply with the laws on both sides of the Atlantic and political friction for governmental counterparts. In addition, although more similarities exist with regard to Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid, the pace of change has led to widespread confusion. With increased U.S. sanctions pressure on Iran, and the EU pursuing new strategies for a more independent economic and foreign policy, it is critical for businesses and political stakeholders to understand the dynamic environment.

This roundtable aims to explore some of the key challenges in this dynamic and rapidly changing geo-political landscape, in particular, the likely impact Brexit will have on EU Common Foreign and Security Policy in areas such as intelligence and the the negotiation of sanctions regimes.

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  • Chloé Cina, Director of Global Sanctions & Embargoes Team, Deutsche Bank

  • Claire Colbert, Vice President of Anti-Financial Crime, Crown Agents Bank


  • Dr Erica Moret, Senior Researcher, Global Governance Centre at the Graduate Centre

This round table is part of the GISN (Geneva International Sanctions Network) Talk series organized through the Global Governance Centre.