Brown Bag Lunch
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Remittances, Prices, and Shocks

Rémi Viné, PhD student in International Economics
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Webinar streamed via Zoom

The Brown Bag Lunch is a weekly event organized by the Department of International Economics.

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As part of the Brown Bag Lunch series, the International Economics Department at the Graduate Institute is pleased to invite you to a public talk given by Rémi Viné, PhD student in International Economics. He will present his research work entitled:


Remittances, Prices, and Shocks


Abstract: The paper attempts to better understand the mechanisms underlying the costs of remittances. It does so using a multi-country analysis over the 2010s. More specifically, it tries to highlight whether and how the operators on the market adjust to a shock in the demand for remittances. To address endogeneity  as well as severe measurement errors, I propose to use the climatic disasters that occurred in the country receiving remittances as an instrument. It appears that, overall, a demand shock on the market of remittances does push up costs up to a delay of a quarter up to a year. Reassuringly, the catastrophe contemporaneously impacts the remittances and so to a large extent, which suggests that further use of this instrument can be achieved in future research.