‘René Lemarchand has been one of the foremost writers on Central African history and politics for over fifty years. In his latest book, he blends historical analysis with personal memoir as he looks back across tumultuous decades in Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Returning to questions he has pursued throughout his career, he reflects today on the causes and consequences of genocide, the entanglement of regional and global politics, and the place of the researcher as an intellectual, moral and political actor.
'Along with an introduction from the author and moderation from Léonardo Villalón (University of Florida), this book launch will bring together contributions and commentary on issues of history, politics, methodology, and human rights from Nancy Rose Hunt (University of Florida), Godefroid Muzalia (ISP-Bukavu), David Newbury (Smith College), Jeanine Ntihirageza (University of Chicago), Aidan Russell (IHEID) and Michela Wrong (journalist and author).
'This event will include discussion in English and French. It is held in collaboration with the Center for African Studies at the University of Florida and the Groupe d’études sur les conflits et la sécurité humaine at ISP-Bukavu.’