The Centre for Finance and Development has the great pleasure to welcome Carlo Monticelli, Vice-Governor of Financial Strategy, Council of Europe Development Bank for the launch of his new book: Reforming Global Economic Governance. An Unsettled Order
In his presentation, Carlo Monticelli will discuss the reasons, ways and challenges of the radical transformation in global economic governance that has taken place after the 2008 great financial crisis and explain how the architecture of global economic and financial governance has undergone a deep and pervasive reform in the last ten years, radically transforming international institutions and groups, such as the International Monetary Fund, the G7, and the G20. He will explore the role of Europe within this changing world and examine a number of events, building on methods from economics and other disciplines, as well as on the insights from his own personal involvement in the reform process as a Treasury official.
Carlo Monticelli is Vice Governor of the Council of Europe Development Bank. His career has straddled both private and public sectors, with positions including Deputy Director in the Research Department of the Bank of Italy; Head of European Economics, Deutsche Bank, London; and Head of International Financial Relations of the Italian Treasury. In this capacity he represented Italy in key international fora such as the G7, the G20, and the Economic and Financial Committee of the European Union.
Ugo Panizza, Director, Centre for Finance and Development, and Professor, International Economics, will be chairing the event and discussing Mr. Monticelli's book.