Gender & Global Health

The Pushback on Women’s Rights Must Be Stopped

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Hybrid: Auditorium A1B, Petal 2, Geneva Graduate Institute, and online

Followed by a reception

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The Pushback on Women’s Rights Must Be Stopped


The alarming attacks on women’s rights in multilateral spaces, including at the World Health Organization (WHO) and other UN institutions, signal a disturbing escalation in the global attempt to undermine women’s role in societies. From the denial of sexual and reproductive rights to the weaponisation of women’s bodies in conflict zones, from the widespread violence against women to the brutal scenario of gender apartheid, patriarchal forces are relentlessly targeting the agency and freedom of women and girls worldwide. We are talking about a full-scale assault.

At this critical conjuncture, join us to challenge this mounting wave of regression. We need you to be part of a conversation that aims to transcend borders and bring everyone together to stop the pushback on all women’s rights.



Opening remarks: Claire Somerville | Executive Director, Gender Centre, Geneva Graduate Institute

  • Sara Ibrahim Abdelgalil | Doctor and Democracy Advocate on the Sudanese Diaspora
  • Bettina Borish | Director, The World Federation of Public Health Associations
  • Ruben Brouwer | Human Rights Officer, ​Women’s Human Rights and Gender Section, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
  • Rafael Carrano Lelis | PhD Researcher in International Law, Gender Centre, Geneva Graduate Institute
  • Ashka Naik | Chief Research and Policy Officer, Corporate Accountability
  • Parisa Nazari | Activist on the Iranian Feminist Diaspora in Europe
  • Ruchi Shroff | Director, Navdanya International

Moderated by Nicoletta Dentico | Director, Global Health Justice Program, Society for International Development (SID) and Co-President, Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2)


Organised by

The Gender Centre, the Global Health Centre's International Geneva Global Health Platform, the Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2), and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.

The Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2) is a Geneva based independent platform of over 40 civil society organisations working on global public health and advocating for a democratic global health governance.

Website: g2h2.org



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