CCDP Project Launch
Sara Hellmuller CCDP

Project launch - "Yes, I do: Belligerent consent to United Nations peace mission"

Prof. Sara Hellmüller and Dr. Margaux Pinaud
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In person in room S12, Maison de la paix, Geneva or online

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Join us for the launch of our new SNSF Starting Grant project “Yes, I do: Belligerent consent to United Nations peace missions”. Prof. Sara Hellmüller (principal investigator) and Dr. Margaux Pinaud (postdoctoral researcher) will introduce the planned aims and phases of the project, while seeking your ideas and comments. 

This is a unique opportunity to hear more and provide feedback on an important project that will be hosted at our Centre over the next five years and we hope to see many of you there! 

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About the Project

Peace missions, including good offices engagements (GOEs), special political missions (SPMs), and peacekeeping operations (PKOs), are the main tools of the United Nations (UN) to maintain international peace and security. One of their core principles is consent, denoting the agreement of the belligerents to engage with the peace mission in view of facilitating the achievement of its objectives. Consent is central for peace missions as without the cooperation of the belligerents, they can be severely hampered in the fulfilment of their mandates. 

Yet, despite the wide acknowledgement of the importance of the concept in both research and practice, there is to date no coherent theory on belligerent consent to UN peace missions. Consent remains under-specified, contested, and elusive. The project fills this gap by developing a mid-level theory on belligerent consent to UN peace missions. It explores what consent means and how it manifests in practice, over time, and across peace missions. 


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