
POSTPONED: Are Global Partnerships Effective in Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals?

Presentations and panel discussion
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Auditorium A2, Maison de la paix, Geneva


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With the help of project team members and practitioners from different issue areas, through presentations and a panel discussion, the event will particularly seek to answer the following questions: How are existing global public-private partnerships impacting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development? Is it possible to develop a general framework for understanding the pathways to effectiveness of sustainability partnerships? How can we assess success and failure in current partnership arrangements in an integrated manner?

As the challenges facing the global community become more complex and interdependent, global partnerships between public and non-State actors have gained momentum as an essential element of governance across scales and levels. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development emphasizes the role of multi-stakeholder partnerships as a key means of implementation of the its seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development also identifies them as important tools to complement the action of governments in the mobilization and dissemination of knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources.

Building on the findings of a research project that has been hosted by the Centre for International Environmental Studies (CIES) and supported by the Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS) since Fall 2017, this event will thus discuss the present impacts of global partnerships on the achievement of the SDGs, as well as explore the behavioural pathways and mechanisms through which these impacts are brought about.

Presentations by:

  • Dario Piselli, Research Assistant, Centre for International Environmental Studies
  • Moira Faul, Deputy Director, Geneva Public-Private Partnership Research Centre 


  • Rolph Payet, Executive Secretary, Basel, Stockholm and Rotterdam Conventions
  • Juan Coderque, Head of New Financing Models Unit, International Committee of the Red Cross
  • Liliana Andonova, Academic Co-Director, Centre for International Environmental Studies and Coordinator of the project
  • Gilbert Probst, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Banque Cantonal de Genève; Director, Geneva Public-Private Partnership Research Centre


  • Dario Piselli, Research Assistant, Centre for International Environmental Studies

This event is funded by the Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS) through the project «Effectiveness of Partnerships for Advancing the SDGs: Behavioural Pathways and Impacts» led by Prof Liliana Andonova.