Centre for International Environment Studies
Lunch Seminar for Political settlements an the challenge of mining governance reform: reading across Indonesia, El Salvador and Honduras

Political settlements and the challenge of mining governance reform: reading across Indonesia, El Salvador and Hondura

Anthony Bebbington, Milton P. and Alice C. Higgins Professor of Environment and So- ciety at the Graduate School of Geography at Clark University (MA, USA)
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Room P1-847, Maison de la paix, Geneva

The CIES Lunch Seminar Series is a series of interdisciplinary research seminars on environmental, natural resources and development issues

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We strongly encourage participants to read the relevant papers before this seminar. One is available here and the second one will be shared with you after registration 

To participate, please register by 13 October (noon) so we can organise lunch accordingly at: cies@graduateinstitute.ch. Limited space - first come first serve