This dialogue with leaders in global health will address the challenges of the polio endgame and the multi-faceted legacy of polio eradication. The discussion will include among others the following questions:
How will the assets developed during the last 30 years in the WHO’s Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) be used for wider benefit? How will they be transferred into developing health systems as countries work towards the SDG of Universal Health Coverage? How can they contribute to strengthening global health governance and reinforcing global vaccination programmes of other disease eradication campaigns?
What lessons can be derived from the efforts to interrupt the transmission of wild poliovirus in the last two polio-endemic countries of Afghanistan and Pakistan? What are the challenges in reaching the vulnerable populations in remote or conflict areas, and how could the political, social, religious and cultural hurdles be overcome? How can the political and financial support for polio eradication be sustained through to the end? What are the vaccination and ongoing monitoring and containment requirements beyond the certification of eradication?
What are the political factors in the polio endgame and ensuring a lasting legacy? What are the roles and responsibilities of European countries in these global endeavours?
The speakers and panellists include:
SIR LIAM DONALDSON, Chair, Independent Monitoring Board, Global Polio
Eradication Initiative
ANIL DUTTA, Vice President Clinical R&D and Medical Affairs,
KATE KELLAND, Health and Science Correspondent, Reuters
JASON LANE, Senior Human Development Adviser, UK Department for
International Development
CAROLE LANTERI, Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission
of the Principality of Monaco to the UN Office and other international
organisations in Geneva
DAVID SALISBURY, Associate Fellow, Chatham House Centre on Global Health
EMMANUEL VIDOR, Associate Vice President, Head of Global Medical Affairs,
Sanofi Pasteur
MICHEL ZAFFRAN, Director, Global Polio Eradication Initiative