Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy

Policy workshop: Mapping youth policies and their effects on democracy

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Policies targeting youth have significantly grown in number in the last few years, yet have not been comprehensively mapped and assessed to date. This workshop will zoom in on youth policies by bringing together researchers, practitioners, civil servants as well as activists and experts from international, national and local organisations.

It will examine the fast development of youth policies globally, with a view to assess their interplay with democratic processes and institutions.

It will address questions such as:

  • Which methodologies have been used - and may be used - to map and study youth policies globally?
  • Which effects do youth policies have on democratic participation?
  • What role do youth-led initiatives play in shaping and influencing youth policies?
  • What are enabling conditions for observing positive effects on youth political engagement?
  • How do formal spaces and avenues for participation connect with informal spaces and with protest movements?

Researchers from the Fondazione per la ricerca economica e Sociale (Rome) will present the Atlas of Youth Policies that they have been producing based on up to date data collected from 40 countries. This Atlas project is a work in progress and the workshop will be an opportunity to discuss it and enrich it.

The workshop is designed as an opportunity for participants to discuss their work and experience, gain a deeper understanding of the impact of youth policies on democratic processes, and inform future policy development and implementation.

It is organised in the context of the research project “Youth Climate Activism and Local Institutions: Reframing Democratic Spaces at a Time of Polarisation” as part of the Geneva Democracy Week programme.

The workshop is aimed in particular at students, researchers, experts, civil servants and activists. 

As space is limited, places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

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The venue and other logistical information will be communicated in the confirmation email.

This event is organised by the Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy in the context of the Geneva Democracy Week.


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