
North-South Research Partnerships on Politically Sensitive Issues

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Addressing Risks and Responsibilities
The Land Acquisition Case


  • Gilles CARBONNIER, Professor at the Graduate Institute | Editor-in-Chief, International Development Policy

Screening of the Film “Rubber in a Rice Bowl”

  • The film shows the large-scale rubber boom in Cambodia and was realised under the SNIS funded project “Large Scale Land Acquisitions in Southeast Asia”


  • Sandra AVILES, Director ad interim and Senior Officer, Humanitarian Affairs & Programme Development, FAO
  • Laurent GOETSCHEL, President, KFPE | Director, Swisspeace and Professor at Basel University
  • Christophe GOLAY, Coordinator Project on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, Switzerland
  • Suon SENG, Executive Director, Center for Development Oriented Research in Agriculture and Livelihood Systems (CENTDOR), Cambodia

Debate with the floor

The KFPE invites participants to a cocktail after the conference.

Please register here.

Auditorium 2,
Maison de la paix, Geneva

Co-organised by KFPE, SNIS and International Development Policy

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