International Relations/Political Science
Beste Isleyen

Non-Western Agency in International Migration Control

Beste İşleyen
, -

Geneva Graduate Institute, Maison de la paix, room S1

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Non-Western Agency in International Migration Control

This talk will explore how we can rethink the beginnings of international migration control by bringing ‘non-Western’ agency in. Drawing on postcolonial theory, it will take Ottoman beginnings of migration control as an empirical focus with a view to offering an alternative reading of key topics of International Relations, particularly state-territoriality, borders and risk.

About the Speaker

Beste İşleyen is Associate Professor in Political Science at the University of Amsterdam. Her work addresses conceptual and empirical questions of border security, territoriality, technology and practices through an engagement with Critical Security Studies, Political Geography and Postcolonial Theory. Dr. İşleyen is currently the President of the European International Studies Association and Editor and Rotating Editor-in-Chief (2022-2027) of International Political Sociology.


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