Global Health Centre
Achal Prabhala

A New World Patent Order

Achal Prabhala
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An analysis of granted and rejected biomedical patents in India – with implications for Brazil, South Africa and beyond

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India is widely known as the “pharmacy of the developing world” because of its role as a central global supplier of generic medicines. Following significant reform of India’s patent law in 2005, concerns were raised that granted patents could restrict access to medicines. The accessibsa research team analyzed thousands of biomedical patents granted and rejected in India, uncovering both strengths and weaknesses in the way the patent law has been implemented.. Mr. Prabhala will present the methodology and results, and discuss their relevance also for patent regimes in South Africa, Brazil and beyond.


Speaker bio

Achal Prabhala is a writer and researcher based in Bangalore, India. He is a fellow of the Shuttleworth Foundation and the Convenor of the accessibsa project.


Event materials

Q&A Session with the Participants


Webinar recording