Global Health Centre
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A New Economic Paradigm for NCDs

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Auditorium Ivan Pictet | Maison de la Paix

Ilona Kickbusch, Director of the Global Health Centre, in conversation with Rachel Melsom (Director, UK and Europe, TobaccoFree Portfolios) and Nick Banatvala (Senior Advisor, Secretariat of the UN Interagency Task Force on the Prevention and Control of NCDs, WHO)

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New financing and resourcing arrangements for NCDs are necessary to reduce this epidemic. Suggested mechanisms include sustainable investment, blended finance, public-private partnerships, divestment from unhealthy consumer goods, pooled funding structures and innovative financing mechanisms. But what is their impact? Can they make a difference and how can we create a buy-in for the different actors involved here?
The upcoming UN high level meeting on NCDs later this year provides a framework for exploring these questions and defining new ways for financing NCDs in the era of the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Tobacco Free Portfolios Toolkit

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