A spectre is haunting the world - the spectre of new authoritarianisms. From Brazil to Hungary, from Poland to the Philippines, from India to the United States, a new wave of authoritarian leaders, parties and movements has been undermining democracy from within and threatening its existence. Until quite recently, authoritarianism was a phenomenon identified with the South. Today, however, authoritarian ideologies, movements, and parties, and the threat they pose to democracy, are also very much a feature of politics in the West. The workshop aims to bring together interested graduate students and post-docs to explore this phenomenon from multiple disciplinary and methodological perspectives.
With perspectives from researchers around, this workshop aims to share perspectives on current authoritarian regimes, the events that lead to authoritarianism and the impact of the same on states. The workshop brings specific examples of research conducted in countries around the world exploring the conditions that foster a variety of authoritarian sentiments, the links between various ideologies and the current scenario, and finally the strategies and tactics of these regimes.
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