CCDP Research Seminar
Syria CCDP

From Monopoly to Oligopoly of Violence: the reconfiguration of political order in Syria

Bilal Salayme (CCDP Researcher)
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P1-847 (and online)

This event is part of the CCDP's Research Seminar Series hosted and organised by Augusta Nannerini (Research Assistant) and Elio Panese (Student Researcher). 

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about the speaker

Bilal holds a BA degree in International Relations and an MSc in the same discipline from the Middle East Technical University. Before joining the Graduate Institute, Bilal had more than three years-experience in think tanks and policy-oriented research, where he focused on the politics in the Middle East, mainly Syrian crisis and Turkish involvement in the region. He also worked for two projects on Security Sector Reform (SSR) and Counter Violent Extremism (CVE) in Libya.



Each semester, CCDP hosts a series of internal seminars to give our faculty, staff and affiliates the opportunity to present their work and receive feedback. The goal of the seminars is to have an informal and frank conversation about the paper presented, and exchange ideas across disciplines and expertise, going beyond academic silos. Speakers at the seminars are both early career and senior scholars.

Augusta Nannerini and Elio Panese are organising the seminars for the academic year 2022-2023. For further information, get in touch at augusta.nannerini@graduateinstitute.ch or elio.panese@graduateinstitute.ch