
A life devoted to the progress of international law: Colloquium to celebrate the 90th birthday of Professor Georges Abi-Saab

International Law Department
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The Geneva Graduate Institute – Maison de la paix – Auditorium 1B

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Mots d'accueil par Marie-Laure Salles, Directrice de l'Iheid

Professor Andrew Clapham: Mots de bienvenue/Welcome words
Dr. Daniel Warner: "The Intellectual Mentor"
Professor Philip Alston: "The Power of Personality"
Professor Richard Falk: "Georges Abi-Saab: A Jurist's Life of Sustained Excellence"

Coffee break
Judge Abdulqawi Yusuf: "Georges Abi-Saab: The Professor as a Judge Ad Hoc at the ICJ"
Professeur Laurence Boisson de Chazournes: "Georges Abi-Saab et le droit de
Professeur Marcelo Kohen: "Georges Abi-Saab : pionnier d’une vision tiers-mondiste du droit international"
Professor Georges Abi-Saab: Remarques conclusives/Concluding remarks



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Docteur de l’IUHEI et professeur de droit international durant 37 ans à l’Institut, Georges Abi-Saab fête ses 90 ans le 9 juin prochain. Sa vision du droit international, exprimée dans ses publications, ses cours et conférences, mais aussi comme praticien, a profondément marqué la discipline. Membre de l’Institut de droit international, juge ad hoc à la Cour internationale de Justice, juge des Tribunaux pénaux internationaux pour l’ex-Yougoslavie et le Rwanda, membre de l’Organe d’Appel de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce, arbitre, consultant du secrétaire général des Nations Unies, membre de la délégation égyptienne à plusieurs conférences internationales, avocat et conseil international, Georges Abi-Saab a consacré sa vie au progrès du droit international. Pour célébrer son 90e anniversaire, ce colloque est organisé à son intention.

IUHEI PhD and Professor of International Law for 37 years at the Institute, Georges Abi-Saab celebrates his 90th birthday on 9 June. His vision of international law, expressed in publications, courses and conferences, but also as a practitioner, has had a profound impact on the discipline. Member of the Institute of International Law, Judge ad hoc at the International Court of Justice, Judge of the International Criminal Tribunals for former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, Member of the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization, Arbitrator, Consultant to the Secretary General of the United Nations, member of the Egyptian delegation to several international conferences, International advocate and counsel, Georges Abi-Saab has devoted his life to the progress of international law. This symposium is organized for him, to celebrate his 90th birthday.