
International Security Forum

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Auditorium Ivan Pictet
Maison de la paix, Geneva

The biennial International Security Forum brings together 350 diplomats, ministers, government officials, military and private sector personnel for analysis, intelligence briefings and debates on the world’s most pressing security topics.

As a co-convening partner, the Graduate Institute has been actively involved in the elaboration of the conference proceedings. Professor Ilona Kickbusch of the Global Health Programme will feature on a high-level panel on global health security, while Professor Keith Krause of the Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding is part of a high-level panel focusing on the challenges of implementing the Sustainable Development Goals from a security perspective.

Other Graduate Institute researchers, including representatives from the Small Arms Survey and the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform, will be involved in three workshop sessions on 14 June. Topics to be discussed include plural security provision in urban contexts, transnational armed groups in the Middle East and North Africa, and efforts to curb the proliferation of explosive weapons.

More details are available at the International Security Forum website.
