As part of the Geneva Trade and Development Workshop (GTDW) seminar series, the Graduate Institute in Geneva (IHEID) and our partners are pleased to invite you to a public talk given by Stephen Redding, Harold T. Shapiro*64 Professor in Economics at Princeton University.
He will present his paper International Friends and Enemies, coauthored with Benny Kleinman and
Ernest Liu.
Abstract: We develop sufficient statistics of countries' bilateral income and welfare exposure to foreign productivity shocks that are exact for small shocks in the class of models with a constant trade elasticity. For large shocks, we characterize the quality of the approximation, and show it to be almost exact. We compute these sufficient statistics for over 140 countries from 1970-2012. We show that our exposure measures depend on market-size, cross-substitution and cost of living effects. As countries become greater economic friends in terms of welfare exposure, they become greater political friends in terms of United Nations voting and strategic rivalries.
About the Speaker
Stephen Redding is the Director of the International Trade and Investment Program at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). He is also an Associate Editor of the Quarterly Journal of Economics, Fellow of the Econometric Society, International Research Associate at CEP, London School of Economics, and Research Fellow at the International Trade Programme of the Centre for Economic Policy Research. Prior to joining Princeton University in 2010, he worked as Professor of Economics at LSE (2008-10) and Yale School of Management (2008-9). His main research interests are international trade and economic geography, productivity and economic growth.