
International development: what does it take to successfully measure impact?

With PricewaterhouseCoopers
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Doing the right thing, for the right people, at the right time. This is probably one of the main underlying concern driving every intervention in international development, yet their nature makes it sometimes difficult to measure their concrete results in the long run. How can organisations know they have made a difference and demonstrate their impact? Are impact evaluations the right way to go? And if they are, how to make sure they are effective?

In this online breakfast exchange, we invite you to join our expert panellists for an open discussion about impact measurement and the different perspectives on its use for international development actors.

Panel discussion with: 

  • Jean-Louis Arcand, Professor of International Economics, the Graduate Institute, Geneva (moderator)

  • Alain Delétroz, Director General, Geneva Call

  • Edith Patouillard, Health Economist, World Health Organisation

  • Chandan Kumar Singh, Impact Evaluation Expert, PwC

This online panel is part of a series of breakfast exchanges organised by the Institute and PwC Switzerland to share best practices from different sectors.

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