Trade in services has been a neglected area in recent trade policy debates, with the main focus being on industrial policies. However, Lucian Cernat, in his latest trade policy brief published by ECIPE and VoxEU, highlights this as a significant "blind spot" in global trade discussions. Based on the latest WTO and OECD databases, a comprehensive analysis of the value of total services trade across all five modes of supply reveals that services are already driving the future of global trade, their total trade value surpassing that of world merchandise trade.
The dynamics of services trade are complex, with countries engaging in different services under various modes of supply. To determine which mode of supply is most crucial and essential for achieving global competitiveness, Lucian Cernat draws upon the most comprehensive datasets documenting the latest trends in global trade in services by modes of supply. His research provides new insights into the importance of different modes of supply for various countries, shedding light on the critical components of global trade in services.