Global Health Centre
governing ncds

Governing Non-Communicable Diseases: Addressing the Commercial Determinants of Health

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Auditorium Ivan Pictet | Maison de la Paix

Organised by the Global Health Centre, in collaboration with the NCD Alliance

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In an increasingly globalised and consumer-oriented world, health outcomes are determined by the influence of corporate activities on the social environment in which people live and work. The rise of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is also a manifestation of a global economic system that prioritises wealth creation over health creation, two objectives that are often perceived as fundamentally conflicting.   

The commercial determinants of health provide a useful framework to combine, on the one hand, consumer and health behaviour, as well as individual choices, and on the other hand, the global risk society, the global consumer society and the political economy of globalisation. While private companies often use strategies and approaches to promote products and choices that are detrimental to health, cooperation with the private sector is instrumental to find solutions in this area.   

The global health community has previously targeted “big tobacco” with the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, and the demands to similarly tackle “big sugar” are increasing. Some governments have implemented taxes on sugary drinks and foods; others have limited alcohol and tobacco advertising and sales; some businesses have taken measures to prevent NCDs; and financial institutions and large portfolio holders are beginning to disinvest in health-harming industries.  

This event seeks to debate the impact of the commercial determinants of health by addressing the following questions:      

  • What is the role of the private sector and how should governments react to private sector initiatives? Have actions taken so far been effective to prevent NCDs?

  • What role private sector collaboration can play in ensuring more sustainable production and consumption? Can the private sector show leadership in the governance of NCDs?

  • How far does the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development influence these efforts?   

The upcoming UN high level meeting on NCDs in 2018 and the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition provide a framework for exploring these questions and defining new ways of collaboration between different actors and stakeholders as mandated by the SDGs.

Event materials


Biographies of speakers

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Ilona Kickbusch presentation: "Commercial Determinants of Health"


Event recording