Vilfredo Pareto Research Seminar
Anna Abatayo

Governing Climate Geoengineering: Side-Payments Are Not Enough

Anna Abatayo, Assistant Professor at Wageningen University and Research
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Maison de la paix (Geneva), Petal 1 Room S4 (hybrid)

The Vilfredo Pareto Research Seminar is the Economics department's weekly seminar, featuring external speakers in all areas of economics.

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As part of the Vilfredo Pareto Research Seminar series, the International Economics Department at the Graduate Institute is pleased to invite you to a public talk given by Anna Abatayo, Assistant Professor at Wageningen University and Research.

She will present her work, joint with Valentina Bosetti, Marco Casari, Riccardo Ghidoni and Massimo Tavoni, titled Governing Climate Geoengineering: Side-Payments Are Not Enough.

Abstract: Climate geoengineering strategies can help reduce the economic and ecological impacts of global warming. However, governing geoengineering is challenging: since climate preferences vary across countries, excessive deployment relative to the socially optimal level is likely. Through a laboratory experiment on a public good-or-bad game, we study whether side-payments can address this governance problem. While theoretically effective, our experimental results show only a modest impact of side-payments on outcomes, especially in a multilateral setup. Replacing unstructured bilateral exchanges with a treaty framework simplifies the action space and performs moderately better.


About the speaker

Anna Abatayo is an Assistant Professor at Wageningen University and Research and an applied microeconomist with a keen interest in understanding environmental and natural resource dilemmas, specifically those related to cooperation. She is currently working on issues related to common pool resource management, biodiversity conservation, and climate change. She primarily uses experimental economics and survey methodologies.