MINT Research in Practice
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Governing and Surveilling: Towards a Framework for Algorithmic Accountability in Urban Surveillance Technology

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Petal 2, Maison de la paix, Geneva Graduate Institute

As a result of their Applied Research Project, Iris Raith , Alexandre Hünenberger and Samuel Smith, propose in their report a best-practices framework for auditing algorithmic surveillance technologies in urban environments.

Come and discover their work during the ARP day, at the thematic booth "A Mobilising artificial intelligence for international relations and development".

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The 3 MINT students have analyzed 17 existing auditing frameworks for algorithms, AI, and surveillance to identify recurring audit components. These are then synthesized into a 7-step procedure for responsible algorithmic surveillance deployment, including a comprehensive audit report assessing technical components and transparency, public and stakeholder reviews, and continuous monitoring. The framework is finally tested on the planned deployment of algorithmic surveillance for the 2024 Paris Olympics. Although Paris has not yet conducted an algorithm audit, the framework shows promise in guiding responsible AST auditing and highlights missing elements in the French approach, including needed mechanisms for recourse and stakeholder involvement.


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