Global Governance Centre - Colloquium
marieke louis

Global Employers and the (Con)quest of Legitimacy. Comparing the International Organization of Employers and the International Chamber of Commerce

Marieke Louis, Associate Professor of Political Science, Sciences Po Grenoble
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Room S3, Maison de la paix, Geneva

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This presentation explores the logic of legitimacy building by two international business organizations: the International Chamber of Commerce (created in 1919) and the International Organization of Employers (created in 1920). How did two apparently similar business organizations manage to impose themselves as legitimate representatives of business both towards their members and intergovernmental organizations (such as the League of Nations and the International Labour Organization)? Upon which resources did they build their representativeness claims? What does the comparison of two apparently “most similar cases” bring to the analysis of this emerging transnational business space in terms of its unity and diversity?


Marieke Louis,  Associate Professor of Political Science, Sciences Po Grenoble


Rodrigo Fagundes Cezar, PhD Candidate and Teaching Assistant,  International Relations/Political Science Department, the Graduate Institute

This event is part of our our Global Governance Colloquium series.