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GitHub 101: Gathering and assembling data

Tech Hub, Jael Tan
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The Tech Hub Digital Skills and Literacy workshops prepare students and researchers for the future by helping them develop the skills and critical thinking they need to navigate a rapidly changing technological environment.

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Gathering and assembling data has become a core element of many research projects, and there are numerous possibilities for researchers to use the data available. More widely known as a code hosting platform, GitHub can also be used by researchers to explore data assembled by others, share and publicise data they have gathered, as well as manage and collaborate on research projects. This two-hour beginner’s workshop will enable interested researchers to get started in using GitHub with hands-on guidance in setting up an account, understanding the essentials of GitHub (repositories, branches, issues, commits, and pull requests), and accessing others’ projects or starting a personal project. The workshop aims to help researchers to overcome any technical barriers in using GitHub. No prior experience in using GitHub is required.

You will find more information on all tech-related courses, projects and news at the Institute hereYou can also contact us by email: techhub@graduateinstitute.ch