In line with the UN Secretary-General’s Our Common Agenda and its focus on enhancing futures thinking and strategic foresight to accelerate the SDGs at this SDG Community Coffee we will discuss how we can work collectively to strengthen long-term thinking for sustainable development, including by embracing emerging trends to rethink sustainability, such as through “next sustainability” paradigms like regenerative development.
We will also look ahead to the upcoming HLPF, giving a brief overview of the topics connected to long-term sustainability; highlighting key reports and webinars leading up to the forum; discussing the links to the SDG Summit in September; and finally, exchanging on ideas and plans for side-events by organizations in the Geneva ecosystem.
By invitation only *
For more information about the SDG Community please visit
NOTE: This Community Coffee will take place at The Graduate Institute, Geneva (IHEID) 2 Chemin Eugène-Rigot, “The Fab”, 4th Floor of Petal 2, 1202 Genève.
*What’s Next is a pilot series aimed at unpacking long-term sustainability considerations, developments, themes, and trends. Keynote speakers from the Geneva ecosystem and beyond will share their perspectives on what’s coming next for long-term sustainability.