Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy
image democracy week v3

Geneva Democracy Week 2022

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Maison de la Paix

Join us for a rich programme of debates and networking events

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Every year, the Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy is actively involved in the “Democracy Week” (Semaine de la démocratie) that is promoted by the Geneva Chancellery of State.

This series of events, which seeks to foster debate on a range of themes relating to democratic practices, is part of the UN’s annual celebration of democracy which takes place every September 15 in some 100 countries.

This year, the Geneva Democracy Week celebrates its seventh edition by welcoming distinguished guests from the fields of politics and academia under the theme “Constructing democracy”.


Diversity and Constitutional Rights in Brazil, India and the United States

03 October 18:15 – 20:00


  • Ravinder Bhavnani, Professor of International Relations and Political Science, Geneva Graduate Institute (moderator)

  • Jamil Chade, reporter in Europe for news group UOL, columnist at Radio Bandeirantes and daily columnist of Band News TV

  • Peggy Cooper Davis, John S. R. Shad Professor of Lawyering and Ethics Director, Experiential Learning Lab, New York University 

  • Milan Vaishnav, Senior fellow and Director of the South Asia Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace



(Dis)enfranchisement, youth participation and new forms of political engagement

04 October 12:30 – 14:00


  • Laura Bullon-Cassis, Postdoctoral researcher, Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy, Geneva Graduate Institute

  • Victoria Finn, Max Weber Fellow, European University Institute, Florence

  • Christine Lutringer, Executive director and senior researcher, Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy (moderator)

  • Maria Mexi, Research fellow, Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy

  • Maarten Vink, Chair in Citizenship Studies and Co-director of the Global Citizenship Observatory (GLOBALCIT), European University Institute, Florence

  • Yanina Welp, Research fellow, Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy



The Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy’s annual “meet and greet”

04 October 15:00 – 16:00

This is a networking event to introduce our Centre to the Graduate Institute’s community. In the meeting we will discuss the Centre’s activities geared towards the Graduate Institute’s PhD community, which will take place throughout the academic year.



Philanthropie et démocratie : quels enjeux pour les médias traditionnels ?

04 Octobre 18:15 – 20:00


  • Tibère Adler, Administrateur-délégué, Le Temps et Heidi News

  • Grégoire Mallard, Professeur d’anthropologie et de sociologie et Directeur de la Recherche, IHEID (modérateur)

  • Gilles Marchand, Directeur de la Société suisse de radiodiffusion et télévision (SSR)

  • Marie-Laure Muchery, Fund Manager, Civitates

  • Patrice Schneider, Chief Strategy Officer, Media Development Investment Fund

  • Nathalie Pignard-Cheynel, Professeure à l'Académie du journalisme et des médias de l'Université de Neuchâtel



The Will of the People: Populism and Citizen Participation in Latin America 

05 October 12:30 – 13:30
 The will of the people book cover

  • Victoria Finn, Max Weber Fellow, European University Institute, Florence

  • Yanina Welp, Research fellow, Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy

  • Marc Hufty, Programme lead, Centre for International Environmental Studies

  • Neus Torbisco Casals, Senior Research Fellow, Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy




Participatory authoritarianism?

05 October 15:00 – 16:00


  • María Isabel Puerta Riera, Adjunct Professor of Political Science at Valencia College

  • Su Yun Woo, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Zurich




Programming and managing public funds at time of crises: European scenarios

05 October 18:30– 20:00


This event will analyse lessons learned from the NextGeneration EU and other schemes for REPower EU for responses to the geopolitical shifts entailed by the war in Ukraine, such as the energy crisis. It will also ask:  how to ensure democratic participation in this process?




Art et intelligence artificielle: ce que la création artistique par l'intelligence artificielle révèle de la participation des citoyens et de son avenir.

06 Octobre 12:30 – 13:30


En résidence à la Fabrique de la Paix de l’Institut des Hautes Études Internationales pendant une journée, venez à la rencontre de Chimère, une intelligence artificielle artistique, capable d’échanger avec ses interlocuteurs par la voie de textes, d’images et de sons partagés à l’écran.




A conversation on civic engagement with activists from India

07 October, 12:15 – 14:00

This event, organised by The Graduate Institute students, will feature activists Jill Carr-Harris and PV Rajagopal who have been at the forefront of the global peace campaign known as the Jai Jagat. The conversation will focus on civic engagement and engaged research.




The full program of Democracy Week events can be found here.