Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy
What does democracy

Geneva Democracy Dialogue : What does democracy mean to you?

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Room S8, Maison de la paix, Geneva Graduate Institute

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The Geneva Democracy Dialogues are designed to facilitate open, inclusive, and informed discussions on challenges for democracy, foster collaboration and innovation, and generate actionable recommendations. They are a part of the wider 3 year programme of the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation on “Revitalizing Democracy Across Europe and the Wider World” including its annual Caux Forum in July 2024. 

The Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation, the Kofi Annan Foundation, and the Graduate Institute's Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy collaborate to host the second Geneva Democracy Dialogue as part of the Geneva Democracy Week. This event will focus on the various narratives of democracy that are used and understood across generations. Participants will engage with this theme by exploring a central question: What does democracy mean to you as well as to your work and engagement?

They will discuss how narratives of democracy are mobilised, explicitly or not, when engaging on issues such as climate change, peace, and social inequalities. 

The conversation will start with a few short thematic interventions that will serve as “discussion starters”. These will then be discussed with participants from international organisations, diplomatic missions, academia, civil society and the public.

As space is limited, places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

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This event is organised by the Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy in the context of the Geneva Democracy Week.


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