The International Law Colloquium is a platform to discuss international law scholarship. The presentations chosen for the colloquium reflect the diversity of topics of, and approaches to, international legal study. The colloquium offers an opportunity for in-depth engagement with ongoing research. To maintain the high quality of discussions, participants are kindly requested to read the drafts circulated in advance of each session. Speakers will include faculty members of the International Law Department as well as invited external speakers.
About the Speaker
Karen Knop, B. Sc. (Hons.), LL.B. (Dalhousie), LL.M. (Columbia), S.J.D. (Toronto), is a professor at the Faculty of Law. She was editor of the University of Toronto Law Journal from 2007 to 2012, and associate dean for research from 2016 to 2018. She teaches in the areas of public international law, private international law, foreign relations law and citizenship law, and is a past recipient of an award from the university student organizations for excellence in teaching.