This workshop is aimed at building a space for discussing creative and interdisciplinary visions for plausible and ideal futures of the world, and the multilateral arrangements underpinning potential scenarios. It is being organised as part of an Applied Research Project (ARP_Futures_2, United Nations Office in Geneva) by students (Simfora, Karim and Sohini - MINT'24).
What will the world look like in 2050, and what types of multilateralism are required to forge new paths toward an international order anchored in justice, equality and sustainability?
Today severe crises, particularly driven by climate change, technological advancements and shifts in geo-political power dynamics, have the potential to combine into a mega-threat to the international order. This is a time to reflect on how stable the foundations of global cooperation really are and the future scenarios for multilateralism.
To know more or contribute to the conversation, please contact:
- Simfora Bangasimbo
- Karim Achy
- Sohini Chakrabarti