Centre for International Environmental Studies
global governance_08.02.2018

The Future of Global Governance

Panel Discussion with Michael Barnett, Kal Raustiala Liliana Andanova and Joost Pauwelyn
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Auditorium A1B, Maison de la paix, Geneva

Co-organised by CTEI, CIES and GGC

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Round Table Discussion with:

  • Liliana Andonova, Professor of Political Science, Graduate Institute, Geneva
  • Michael Barnett, University Professor of International Affairs and Political Science, George Washington University
  • Joost Pauwelyn, Professor of International Law, Graduate Institute, Geneva
  • Kal Raustiala, Professor of Law, UCLA


  • Annabelle Littoz-Monnet, Associate Professor, International Relations/Political Science, Graduate Institute, Geneva

The US has withdrawn from the Paris Climate Agreement and President Trump is questioning the contribution of the US to the UN; the negotiating wing of the WTO is paralysed and the dispute settlement arm is stagnating. Yet to what extent does this apparent 'crisis' or 'questioning' of traditional multilateralism by international organisations create a space for new mechanisms of governance, from partnerships, to private regulators, NGOs and networks? Are we witnessing a transformation of global governance? What kinds of actors could fill the gaps in resources and leadership if we are witnessing a hegemonic withdrawal? In short, what might the future of global governance look like?

These are some of the questions that will be addressed by the speakers at this event.

Taking place on the eve of a workshop for authors that contribute chapters to a future book along this theme, this Round Table is organised by the Graduate Institute's Centre for Trade and Economic Integration in partnership with the Centre for International Environment Studies and the Hirschman Centre on Democracy.

For further enquiries about this event, please send an email to ctei@graduateinstitute.ch