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Field Experience: How to go from Geneva to the field?

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Room S4, Maison de la paix, Geneva

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Dear students and alumnae-i,

We invite you to join us for the hybrid roundtable titled Inspire Students: Field Experience: How to go from Geneva to the field? 

Tuesday, 28th November 2023 at 12:30 - 13:30 Geneva time, either on webex or in room S4. This event is in collaboration with the Professional Development Committee and the Human Rights, Conflict & Peace Initiative (HRCP). It will be moderated by Kevin Merkelz, Career Advisor at the Institute.

Following the roundtable, a networking coffee break will be offered until 14:00.

Here are the panelists:

Brice Bambara (MSP’15) is a Civil Society Advocacy Associate Specialist at the Global Fund. He previously served as a Programme Officer for malaria and the COVID19 Response Mechanism in the DRC Country Team and for HIV/TB in the Mali Country Team. Prior to this, Brice worked and volunteered with NGOs in Peru, Burkina Faso and Switzerland.

Agniezska Fal Dutra Santos is a PhD student whose research focuses on the implementation of gender provisions in peace agreements. She works at the CCDP, where she conducts research on peacebuilding practices in Burkina Faso, Madagascar, Timor Leste and the Philippines. She freelances as a gender responsive peacebuilding and strategy consultant with various organisations. Her past experiences led her to work in over 15 countries around the world.

Sampson Lau (MIA’15) is a Programme Development Officer at Nonviolent Peaceforce based in Iraq. From 2020 to 2022, he worked with Nonviolent Peaceforce South Sudan, where he dedicated himself to safeguarding vulnerable individuals, monitoring conflict trends, and working with community members to design, and implement strategies for mitigating protection risks. He previously worked in Somaliland and Sierra Leone. 

Fabienne Bernhardt (MIA’17) is a Field Delegate for the ICRC based in Colombia. She previously served as a Programme Officer for Caritas Switzerland in Chad, where she led the elaboration of a project for the Swiss Government. In 2017, Fabienne travelled to Myanmar in order to conduct interviews for her Master’s dissertation on natural resources and peacemaking.



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