International Economics | Workshop
Beatrice Weder di Mauro

The Euro Area: Can it be reformed and how?

Beatrice Weder di Mauro | Professor of International Economics
, -

Petal 1, Room 745 | Maison de la paix (Geneva)

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The Euro Area needs reform. Everybody agrees with this statement but there no agreement on what kind of reforms are needed.  Instead this issue has become one of the most divisive among the member countries of the Euro.  Why is this?  What is the state of the debate?  What should an effective reform achieve? In this workshop we will investigate the different dimension of the reform package of the so called 7+7 (French and German Economists) an the following debate.

The workshop will be held on two dates, one at the beginning of the semester giving an overview (October 2) and background and a second date where participants will present and lead the discussion on individual topics (November 14).

Topics for Presentations

  • European deposit insurance
  • Breaking the doom loop
  • Creating euro area safe assets
  • A central fiscal capacity
  • A debt restructuring mechanism
  • Market discipline and transition

Workshop Dates
Wednesday, October 2:   9 A.M. -11 A.M.
Thursday, November 14:  9 A.M. - 1 P.M. ; 5 P.M. - 8 P.M.



To register, please sent a short description of your background and motivation (max 1/2 page in all) to ei@graduateinstitute.ch.
Deadline: Friday 20th September 10am CET

  • Maximum of 12 participants.
  • PhD Students and Master in Economics with special permission.

This is a voluntary offer which receives no official credits. But you will learn to understand the Euro Area debate.