Global Governance Centre
Breakfastdiscussion on trade and environment

Environment and Trade 2.0: Developing a Transformative Agenda for Greater Sustainability in Trade

Moderator: Jean-Marie Paugam, Chair of the WTO Committee on Trade and Environment, Permanent Representative of France to the WTO
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Room S3, Petal 2, Maison de la paix, Geneva

Spurring dialogue on a forward-looking agenda for Environment and Trade 2.0

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Breakfast Discussion

Amidst ongoing World Trade Organization (WTO) reform discussions, this Breakfast Discussion aims to spur dialogue on a forward-looking agenda for Environment and Trade 2.0. What would a transformative agenda that proactively supports greater sustainability look like? In light of the many trade-related targets in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), how concretely can the WTO better serve sustainable development? What are the most important trade-environment issues for attention now? What is missing from the current policy agenda? What elements are vital for ensuring an inclusive agenda that properly addresses development considerations?

And critically, moving beyond the accommodation of environmental concerns, this Discussion will explore what is needed on the trade-environment front to promote the deeper economic transformations that sustainability demands.

Event on invitation only

Organized in cooperation with the Hoffmann Centre for Sustainable Resource Economy at Chatham House