Anthropology & Sociology
Maison de la Paix

On the Edge: Afghan Kyrgyz Migration in an Era of Climate Change

Tobias Marschall, PhD candidate in anthropology and sociology
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Maison de la paix, Geneva

Photo exhibtion from Pamir Mountains at Maison de la Paix.


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Since 2015, Tobias Marschall, PhD candidate in anthropology and sociology, has been traveling to the remote Pamir Mountains found in Afghanistan’s north-eastern tip to understand the lives of the Afghan Kyrgyz through photography. On 17 September 2019 from 16:00-18:00 he will host a vernissage to display a selection of his 15,000 collected images in the Institute’s Interpetal as part of his exhibit, “On the Edge: Afghan Kyrgyz Migration in an Era of Climate Change”.

Thereafter, the exhibit will be on display in Maison de la paix’s Davis Lounge until 31 October 2019. The photo exhibit will move to La Galerie d’Anières on 8 January 2020. 

Tobias' approach can be described as slow photography; moving away from any Orientalist exoticism, he documents the whispers of global connections
Alessandro Monsutti
Professor of Anthropology and Sociology

Read Mr Marschall’s student story and view other photos from his field work.