This panel will explore the pathways and challenges for integration for peoples of migratory and displacement backgrounds. It will highlight and explore the exclusionary dynamics of migratory regimes, and how these might be challenged. In particular, the panel will also focus on how migration, gender, and digital world(s) intersect in processes of migration, exclusion, and inclusion. The gathered activists will focus on their own lived experiences and share how all might intervene and construct their own advocacy agendas to construct truly inclusive societies in Switzerland, in particular, and globally, more broadly.
- Emmanuelle Werner Gillioz, Youth Job Accelerator (Yojoa)
- Mariia Solodovnyk, Ukrainian expert in linguistics
- Tobias Drilling, Telework for Refugees Project
- Carolina Earle, Gender Centre at the Geneva Graduate Institute
This event is organised by the Gender Centre, the TASC Platform and Yojoa as part of the EQUALS-EU project.