Center for Digital Humanities and Multilateralism

Digitizing the entire League of Nations archives : a "Great Experiment"

Blandine Blukacz-Louisfert
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Maison de la paix, Petal 1, Room P1-862

The Center for Digital Humanities and Multilateralism invites you to "The Kitchen Series," a series of Friday seminars providing a collaborative forum to engage with researchers and their projects on the digitalisation of data and resources. 


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The Total Digital Access to the League of Nations Archives Project (LONTAD), a five-year, grant-funded project to digitise, preserve, and make accessible the League of Nations archives, completed its operations in October 2022. It was one of the first projects of its scale—scanning 14.2 million pages in total—to focus on the comprehensive digitisation of an intergovernmental organisation’s archives.

The presentation will provide researchers with an overview on the specifics of such a project, from its background, objectives, operations, assessments, and lessons learned. It will also address the impact of the digital turn on archives services, as well as on the relationship with researchers, in the context of the development of digital humanities.


Blandine Blukacz-Louisfert presently heads the Institutional Memory Section at the United Nations Office at Geneva.

She is responsible for the management of all aspects of the Organisation’s institutional memory life-cycle, from the management of UNOG’s current records to the preservation of the League of Nations and of the UN Geneva archives and their dissemination to the international community. Her responsibilities also include the United Nations Museum Geneva. She was the Director of the “Total Digital Access to the League of Nations Archives Project” (LONTAD), from 2017 to 2022.



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