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A Digital Collage to Become a Sustainable IT Champion

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Maison de la paix, Geneva

This event is by invitation only.

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The Digital Collage (La Fresque du Numérique) is a fun, collaborative half-day workshop with a similar pedagogy to the Climate Fresk (La Fresque du Climat). The goal of this "serious game" is to raise awareness and educate participants about the environmental challenges of digital technology.

The workshop also aims to explain the broad outlines of actions that need to be taken to move towards a more sustainable digital environment, and then open up discussions among participants on the topic. For more information on this approach and its four steps, please click here.

A true team-building tool, this workshop will enable us to create a community of sustainable IT champions and contribute to ongoing initiatives to make our IT consumption at the Institute more sustainable.

This event is by invitation only.


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