Gender Seminar Series
Rosalba Icaza Garza

Decolonial Feminist Horizons beyond Development

Rosalba Icaza Garza
, -

Maison de la paix | Room P3 506

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Can development respond to the possibility of an ethical life that is not structurally implicated with the suffering and the consumption of the life of earth and others? In this lecture, I will set some of the elements of decolonial feminist horizons that can help us to address the erasure of experiences that can teach us about overcoming the destruction of Earth (ecocide) and of ways of knowing and forms of knowledge (epistemicide).


About the speaker

Rosalba Icaza Garza is a decolonial feminist-teacher-researcher-activist and Professor in Global Politics, Feminisms and Decoloniality at the Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University in the Netherlands. Her four different but interconnected areas of research are: decolonial thinking and ‘the international; re-thinking academia for the promotion of autonomy; learning as liberation/liberation of learning and plural feminisms for plural liberations. Rosalba has published over 40 articles covering the topics of decolonial feminism, resistance and global epistemic justice, social movements around decolonization of higher education, regionalism and free trade politics and has edited 4 special issues including Decolonizing the University with Sara de Jong, Sophie W Withaeckx and Rolando Vazquez for the Dutch Journal of Gender Studies (2017); When we couldn’t breathe. (Our) Stories from the Margins with Zuleika Sheik for Globalizations (2023). She also edited Decolonization and Feminisms in Global Teaching and Learning with Sara de Jong and Olivia Rutazibwa (2018) and En Tiempos de Muerte. Cuerpos. Rebeldías. Resistencias with Xochitl Leyva (2019, CLACSO/RETOS/ISS). Rosalba is Co-editor in Chief of the non-commercial publishing house RETOS with Xochitl Leyva.



The Gender Centre has developed this series of research seminars in order to offer a platform for exchange for students, doctoral students in particular, and researchers whose work includes a gender perspective. During this monthly series, researchers have the opportunity to discuss their work, meet peers from different disciplines at the Graduate Institute, as well as interact with other students, guest speakers and faculty members.

See the programme of this semester's Gender Seminar Series here.

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Thumbnail: © Rolando Vazquez