TASC Platform

Decent Work, Brighter Futures - 20 Years of ILO GET Youth Reports Episode 4: Latin America & The Caribbean

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The "Decent Work, Brighter Futures" Talk Series is a 4-part global discussion hosted by YouthForesight, in collaboration with the TASC Platform of the Graduate Institute, to explore youth employment trends, challenges, and aspirations. This intergenerational series brings together Gen Z and Gen X voices to reflect on the evolution of youth employment challenges since the ILO’s first Global Employment Trends for Youth (GET for Youth) report 20 years ago, while examining commonalities and differences in their experiences.



This event will be in Spanish.

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The fourth event in the series will focus on the Latin American & Caribbean region and features Plan International Ecuador as a special partner. It will highlight key findings from the GET for Youth report, addressing regional youth employment trends, sources of youth anxiety, and how aspirations regarding labor market transitions have evolved over the past 20 years. The event will be in Spanish and will explore how support measures and career opportunities have shifted over time.

Join us in exploring the unique insights and perspectives of two voices from the Latin American & Caribbean region, bringing together the voices of today's generation of young adults with those who were young adults 20 years ago. This session will explore how the socioeconomic conditions in the region have evolved in impacting youth in the job market, featuring our speakers from two generations:

Attendees will have the opportunity to share their own experiences and insights through polls and moderated questions to the panelists. This virtual event is open to anyone interested in global and regional youth employment trends.


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