CCDP seminar series

Crimes and Crisis Prevention and the Circulation of Policing Logics

Luisa Lobato
, -

Room P1-847, Maison de la paix, Geneva

The CCDP Research Seminar Series showcases the latest work of CCDP researchers and affiliates, including doctoral candidates at the centre, post-doctoral researchers, and faculty members. The Fall 2019 series includes a focus on the 'practice' of research and aims to engage participants in a discussion on how we conduct research, potential struggles and issues we face, and ways to overcome, adapt and alter the 'how' of inquiry. All seminars take place between 16:15 and 17:30 and will be followed by informal drinks.


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CCDP Seminar Series features: Luisa Lobato

This presentation focuses on how militarized logics of policing have become increasingly core to a number of technological practices related to the contemporary management of violence. It does so by looking at two different uses of early warning systems- in contemporary state-building, through the management of crisis and in predictive policing, through the management of crime - and advances the claim that both cases, through the ways in which they render violence legible and actionable upon, point to different ways of policing to establish and maintain order: whereas early warning to manage crisis implies a logic of police operation, to the extent that it begs for surgical interventions to (re)establish order, the prediction of crimes reinforces a logice of police patrolling, seeking to relocate and redistribute police forces in space to make sure that the area is secure and dissuade criminal activity. Through police operations and patrolling, crisis early warning and predictive policing communicate normative assumptions of what kind of behavior and action are desirable in order to improve the managerial capacity of the state and to promote certain (desired) models of security management. As such, they seek to tactically reorganize state forces to make them less violent to their own population and, at the same time, increase their efficiency.

Luisa Lobato is PhD candidate in International Relations at IRI/PUC Rio and holds an MA in International relations at the same institution. Member of the "Núcleo de Edtudos sobre Práticas de Produção de Conhecimento" (Knowledge Production Practices Study Group - also: NEPraC), at PUC/Rio, and researcher in the area of cyber Security, digital rights and emerging technologies at the Igarapé Institute.