coffee chat

Coffee Chat with Jayant Narayan

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Maison de la Paix, Geneva - The Fab (Petal 2, Floor 4)

Join us for a coffee with Jayant Narayan, former AI and Machine learning expert at WEF and current Consultant-Advisor at the UN, Geneva.

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Welcome to TechSec next coffee chat at the FAB!

Jayant Narayan is currently working as a Consultant-Advisor at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. He has worked at UNESCO as a member of the Expert group on the Ethics of AI, and at the World Economic Forum as the lead for Technology & Innovation, Advanced Manufacturing & Global Leadership Fellow. His expertise is in AI & Machine learning, and Technology Policy, Strategy & Governance and he has worked in various countries including India, USA, and currently, Switzerland.

The purpose of the TechSec coffee chat series is to bring in experts, practitioners, researchers and other great thinkers to offer students networking opportunities and insights about the forefront of digital technologies and policy making.


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