International History

Co-operatives vs capitalism? A colonial endeavour, 1900-1940

Nikolay Kamenov, Research Fellow, International History, The Graduate Institute
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Room S6, Maison de la paix, Geneva

Doctoral Seminar

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Nikolay Kamenov studied at the English Grammar School in Sofia, Bulgaria. Upon successfully finishing a BA in History at the Jacobs University in Bremen in 2007, he received the Max Kaase Fellowship. In 2009 Kamenov obtained an MA in Intercultural Humanities. In 2010 he joined the chair for History of the World at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology working on a PhD project on the history of temperance in Southeast Europe from a global perspective. Since the summer of 2015 he has been working at The Graduate Institute Geneva on a project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation entitled Coop Entanglements and Connections: Towards a Global History of the Cooperative Movement, 1890-1970.