Chalrotte Sahn Madsen

Co-creating democracy with Children

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Fabrrique de la paix, 4th floor Petal 2, Maison de la paix 

We are thrilled to invite you to an interactive talk about "Co-creating democracy with children and young people", with the the former Danish Minister of Science, Technology and Development, Charlotte Sahl-Madsen.This informal exchange and networking occasion will take place next week on Wednesday 26th of June from 4pm to 6pm, at the Fabrique de la paix, of the Geneva Graduate Institute (Petal 2,4th floor). 
  • Introductory remarks (5 mins)
  • Experience on co-creating democracy with children and young people - Charlotte Sahl Madsen (15-20 mins)
  • Insights from project: Stories of the future, AI literacy of youth - Jerome Duberry (5 mins)
  • Open conversation comments/questions, etc - Plenary, moderated by Jerome Duberry (1.5 hours)
The Antenna Foundation, which is hosting Ms Sahl Madsen during her stay in Geneva, also invites all participants to join for an open house, informal dinner at the Antenna Foundation house starting 7PM. 
A broader set of contributors from their network will also be present for more informal exchanges – including around participatory urbanism in Geneva and other places. Adress: Chemin des Liserons 3, CH-1212 Grand-Lancy. 
We hope you can join us, and if so kindly ask that you RSVP here.
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