How can Africa best harness the clean energy transition while meeting the energy needs and growth aspirations of its people?
Universal energy access is essential for economic development. Despite this, 600 million - 48% of Africa’s population - still lack access to electricity with the majority living in rural areas. Expanding Africa’s access to electricity through grid, mini-grid, and off-grid solutions is key to create shared prosperity for all people of the continent. Furthermore, by meeting electricity demand with clean energy – hydro, geothermal, solar and wind – Africa can grow in an environmentally sustainable manner with minimal additions to overall carbon emissions and minimal impacts to biodiversity.
At the initiative of the IHEID Africa Summit and jointly organized by the CIES and the Green Growth Knowledge Platform, this event will discuss the opportunities and obstacles to develop clean energy through the African continent.
Welcome address:
- John Maughan, Research Programme Manager, Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP)
- Dr Joëlle Noailly, Head of Research, Head of Research, Centre for International Environmental Studies (CIES)
- Lucy Hunt, Renewable Energy Associate at World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
- Prof. Malick Kane, Head of the Laboratory for Thermal Energy Systems (LTE), Haute école d’ingénierie et d’architecture de Fribourg
- Youba Sokona, Senior Adviser, Sustainable Development, South Centre
This panel discussion is co-organised by IHEID Africa Summit and the Green Growth Knowledge Platform(GGKP).