Centre for Finance and Development
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CFD Work-in-Progress Seminar Series

Today's presentation by CFD Research Fellow Tanushree Kaushal
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Maison de la paix, Geneva

Closed seminar organised for CFD Faculty Associates and Research Fellows

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The series aims at bringing together CFD Faculty Associates and Research Fellows working on finance and development related topics, to discuss a work-in-progress (chapter draft, article manuscript, etc.), get feedback from CFD members, and participate in our new reading group.

For more information on the CFD WP series, please contact Prof. Anna-Riikka Kauppinen and Prof. Kristen McNeill at the Centre for Finance and Development.

Please note that it is a closed seminar. Thank you.



"From Money Lending to Financial Services: The politics of Financialization of Microfinance in India" by Tanushree KAUSHAL

Tanushree KAUSHAL

PhD Researcher in International Relations & Political Science; Research Fellow, Centre for Finance and Development; PhD Affiliate, Gender Centre