PhD Thesis Defence
 Lola Wilhelm

The Business of Development. Nestlé's Involvement in Agriculture, Public Health and Humanitarian Relief, 1880s-1970s.

Ms Lola Wilhelm
, -

Maison de la Paix, Room S9, Pétale 2

The thesis defences are open to the public

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In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in International History:

President of the committee:

  • Ms Amalia Lavinia Noemi Ribi Forclaz, Associate Professor

Members of the committee:

  • Mr Davide Rodogno, Professor, Thesis Director
  • Ms Amalia Ribi Forclaz, Associate Professor, Internal Reader
  • Ms Anne-Emanuelle Birn, Professor, Centre for Critical Development Studies, University of Toronto, Canada