Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy
book talk yanina

Books in conversation: scrutinizing democratic innovations

Yanina Welp, Adrián Bua, Brigitte Geißel, Min Reuchamps, and Bernard Reber
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Maison de la paix, Room P1-745 and Online

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Citizens’ role in decision-making is key to account for the support to democracy worldwide. When this role is perceived to be insufficient or declining, it also has negative consequences on the accuracy of public policies. Democratic innovations seek to resolve that deficit but do they succeed? Four recent volumes analyse the conditions and outcomes of such processes from different perspectives. Join the conversation with some of their authors and editors.


  • Adrián Bua (UAB, Barcelona, Spain, online)
  • Brigitte Geißel (Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany, online)
  • Bernard Reber (CNRS, Sciences Po, Paris, France, online)
  • Min Reuchamps (UCLouvain, Lovain, Belgium, online)
  • Yanina Welp (AHDC, Geneva, Switzerland)

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